Today I thought I would share some shortcuts I use to keep this mad house somewhat clean and tidy. I somehow woke up one day with three messy kids, and I don’t have a lot of time to spend cleaning so I have evolved and have come up with some ways to stay on top of things.
By stashing cleaning products around the house, as apposed to having one cleaning product cupboard, I can clean as I go. So if/when the kids spit tooth paste all over the sink in the morning and it dries white and hard (huh familiar?) I can just grab out a wipe and clean it up when I find it rather than seeing it all day and thinking, shit I really need to get something to clean that. I have Pine O Cleen wipe’s at the moment that have a smooth side and a scrubbing side, it’s just like giving your sink a facial!
Here are a few other cheats I use:
Instead of lugging a bucket of water into the bathrooms, just fill up the bathroom sink use that for mopping the floor.
Turn the exhaust fan on while in the shower, it will help stop mould getting a chance to take over.
Pour toilet cleaner in the bowl overnight before bed, in the morning no brush just flush.
Have a look in the laundry isle there is so much stuff for your cleaning convenience it’s every housewife’s dream, no really it is! There are wipes for just about every surface at the moment including the plasma! I have these lazy ladies cleaning products in both bathrooms, the kitchen and the laundry. This saves time and saves the excuse, I don’t have anything to clean that just right now. They are even husband friendly!
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