I am a big fan of a fitness diary, especially if you are a beginner. I started one after having Mr 2 because I was working out and it felt like it wasn’t making a difference. So I figured if I could look back over what I had done that week I could see what worked and what didn’t. Then I learnt I was having more days off than actually getting off my butt and working out. I was able to adjust my habits. So by keeping the diary it made me more accountable and was there in black and white what I had done for the week. If I did nothing on a day I wrote too lazy then the goal became not to have 2 days or more in a week with too lazy written on them.
1. It keeps you accountable.
2. Helps you see your habits (good or bad).
3. Extra focus on your goals.
4. Shows you what works for you & what doesn’t work for you.
5. Helps you keep track of your food habits.
6. Tracks you motivation.
7. Shows you on paper what a great effort you put in this week, or how slack you in fact are!
I pen in each day what exercises I want to do for the week. When I do it I come home and tick it off, I’m not obsessed I’m just keen. Like I said if I do nothing on a day that isn’t a rest day I write TOO LAZY because that’s the truth. If I have 5 days in a week of good workout’s I get a reward! Yep I go buy myself something, or get a pedicure or just something nice for just me to say to myself good job biatch! But do not fall into the trap of rewarding yourself with food, you are not a dog! If you say to yourself I worked out today I can have a burger for tea, hard work undone! You probably will be hungrier on workout days so make good choices. Don’t for get the tab above with a page of all my clean eating ideas for breakfast, lunch, dinner and dessert.
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