Stress is everywhere and it’s really hard to avoid it these days. There is all kinds of pressure to look and feel a certain way and it’s there as you scroll through your phone first thing when you wake up, until the last thing you do before you sleep. Sharing 6 ways to stop stress controlling your life.
1. Eat Better. When you stress your body with bad food choices you feel it. It’s the beginning of the downwards spiral. Once you’ve committed to the whole block of chocolate it doesn’t end there does it? Now you beat yourself up for eating it! So the way around that is to make more of an effort of what goes in your mouth. When you eat good foods you feel good because your body finds it’s balance. Eat less processed and packaged foods is the easy way to clean up your diet.
2. Drink More Water. Not enough water leads to headaches, headaches lead to feeling blah, feeling blah starts to stress you out more. Now you’re stressing about why your stressed. Don’t put your body under more stress by living in a hydrated state. Grab a water bottle and take it everywhere with you.
3. Learn To Say No. No more people pleasing, nope no more. You need to learn to say no as the more yes’s you give out the more you fill up your time with other peoples problems. Be selfish and look after yourself and your workload by using the word no. You aren’t letting anyone down, other that yourself by taking on too much all the time causing you to feel stressed and overloaded.
4. Let It G0. Are you still holding onto something someone said to you 3 months ago? Let it go girl! Let it go and feel lighter. Think about what it was, breathe in, and blow it out of your mouth with force and watch it float away. Feel lighter. Feel free. Let stuff go. Holding on to the small stuff plants a seed that grows it into something that is bigger than what it should have ever been.
5. Sleep. Sleep needs to be a routine that you stick to so I am talking same bed time and same wake up time is the best way to manage this. The more sleep the better. Manage your time better, write down a daily plan of when you will do things. Move things around to get you organised to get to bed earlier. Get up earlier. I love getting up early before the kids wake up, I get so much done in the mornings.
6. Move Your Body. Yes of course I am going to tell you to add some exersice to your day because I know the benefits of it. I want you to understand them too. If you move your body you move your thoughts, so if you’re stuck in a funk moving your body will help you work things out. Even just a walk will make things clearer.
These are my 6 ways that I use to manage stress as I am often under the pump being a Mum of 3 running my own group training for women business. These are simple yet effective ways you can manage your stress levels that don’t cost any money and can be started today.

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