There is so much that happens after you pop something in your mouth, some foods make you feel crappy and some will make you feel great. The following nutrient rich foods promote those feel awesome neurotransmitters in your brain and are worth adding to your plate each day. Below I am sharing six easy ways for you to boost your mood by bed time.
FOLATE. Lentils, spinach leaves and avocado are all packed with folate. You are one salad away from feeling great right now.
ZINC. The most abundant trace mineral in the brain, one of your best sources is pumpkins seeds. You can add these to your morning oatmeal or to your salads, or simply snack on them through out the day.
ZINC & VITAMIN B12. Red meat and shellfish are packed with zinc and vitamin B12, which will help to keep your blood cells and nerves healthy. Good excuse for a Surf & Turf BBQ tonight.
ESSENTIAL FATTY ACIDS. Salmon, tuna, mackerel, sardines, anchovies, chia seeds, flaxseed and walnuts to name a few are all super sources of essential fatty acids such as Omega-3’s. These help to reduce inflammation in your body and brain. So now you need to add some salmon or a can of tuna to your salad and you are already feeling better.
VITAMIN B6. Bananas, chicken, vegemite and egg yolk are great sources of vitamin B6 which helps make serotonin, one of the feel good hormones.
AMINO ACID. Bananas, turkey and dark chocolate, yes chocolate al contain the amino acid, tryptophan. This also acts as a sleep inducer so there’s ones are great to have before bed at night.
Add these bad boys to your diet today and feel awesome for it. Try to eat these mood boosters everyday and watch your mood improve and your general outlook on life. Food is your medicine so experiment with the above and see how you go.

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