First of all Facebook sucks at Math. Yesterday morning I had 499 liker’s, I’ve since had 3 new liker’s and I somehow have 500 liker’s.
When I started this little pink blog, my goal was to inspire as many women as possible. I wanted to see Mum’s everywhere using my ideas as a foundation to build a good solid organised routine and a healthy, active lifestyle for their families and most importantly themselves. The blog is now eight months old and has touched hundreds of readers, but I still have my heart set on growing our online community.
My dream of reaching even more women has just become more attainable after I was voted number 17 in the Top 25 Australian Mum Blogs for 2012. I am looking forward to the potential exposure to more Yummy Mummies. To make me even more prouder today I reached 500 liker’s, when I started my pie in the sky dream was to reach 100 liker’s, I never thought I would reach so many people. I’ve come a long way far exceeding my initial expectations.
I started the blog with an organisation type focus but I found I kept wanting to blog about health and lifestyle as that is where my true interests lie. Your feedback has been great, I always look forward to reading comments, emails or messages on Facebook. The blog takes a lot of work, I had underestimated just how much work would go in to it, taking photos, finding new things of interest to blog about, asking myself ‘Is anyone even reading?’. For those of you who read and comment I want to let you know you’ll be getting the same great posts you have come to expect.
Thank you for your support. It has been an incredible experience reaching out and getting back from so many women and I hope to continue to make Belle Amie Mother of Three one of your favourite blogs for years to come, OK I can’t back that up but you know what I mean. THANK YOU FOR READING, LIKING and I think you should share my Blog with your other Yummy Mummy sisters, sister-in-laws, friends, girls from work, chicks at your gym, play group, mothers group all of them I want to take over the world and met Oprah, too far? Tell me on Facebook what you would like to read more about!
Lots of Love
If you have just found my blog be sure to ‘Like’ my blogs Facebook page so you get all my tips on organising, DIY, parenting, meals, gardening, party planning, just anything to do with channelling your inner Supermum! Feel free to share any links with your other yummy mummy friends to help them too!

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