From the moment you wake up you can start doing the following in order to boost your metabolism from its resting state.
If you feel you have a sluggish metabolism, you may find it hard to lose weight and easy to gain. Slow metabolism can be trained naturally back to a faster rate with a little kick start from you if you follow these hot tips.
1. Short Bursts Of Exercise. I LOVE LOVE LOVE how this works and would be the way I am without it! High intensity interval training (HIIT) is my thing. It simply means you workout hard but for a short time. This is great for us busy women who do not have hours to spend at the gym! You want to get your hands on my 8 Week Bodyback Program and workout with me at home. It will change the way you workout. It’s as simple as three 20 minute workouts a week! Yes. No more hours at the gym!
2. Always Eat Breakfast. Never skip breakfast, you are not saving time, you are slowing your metabolism. Anything will do, anything healthy is of course the best option, this will wake you up on the inside and get things moving for the day.
3. Drink More Water. Water is needed in the metabolic process to fuel it so if you are dehydrated effectively you are causing your metabolism to slow. An easy one to fix.
4. Add Some Spice To Your Life. Hot spices like curry, cayenne pepper, black pepper, cumin and turmeric are all hero’s at speeding up metabolism. I don’t like hot spices but you can get the same effect with cinnamon, ginger and nutmeg.
5. Don’t Eat As Much Late In the Day. Eat as big breakfast, big lunch and try for a smaller dinner. We just don’t need such a big meal late in the day as we are usually fairly well finished using energy by then. Our big dinner and dessert ways are in fact the opposite of what you need to speed up your metabolism.
So there are five easy ways you can start boosting your metabolism today, all are achievable and certainly worth a shot. Following these can only help you in your efforts to lose weight or maintain your desired weight. Now if you haven’t already go and have some breakfast!

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