My two eldest little aliens have been employed as a flower girl and page boy in three separate weddings, two of my sisters and my brother in law and sister in law’s. Funny enough two of the weddings my husband was away, and on top of that they weren’t local which meant a road trip and sleeping in a Hotel with the kids. Today I thought I could share somethings I’ve figured out along the way now that I am a pro stage Mum at this gig.
If you are in the wedding too, as I was Matron of Honour in my little sisters wedding, you are going to need an extra set of hands. If you have a husband lucky you, if not you are going to need a Nanna on stand by as they get very bored very quickly, they also get very messy very quickly!
You are going to want to have some DVDs, Ipod, Ipad, toy’s or some kind of entertainment suitable to occupy them as the make up, hair and photos takes way too long for a little person.
- Keep lots of snacks handy, think nothing that will make sticky fingers or messy faces. I found fruit and savoury biscuit’s the best.
Dress these little people at the last minute, or you can be sure something will happen to their outfit. Little Miss 4’s flower girl dress was so fluffy her seat belt couldn’t be done up so she had to be dressed in the car park!
- Try your best to get them to bed early the night before and don’t let them leave for the wedding without peeing!
If it’s hot have a drink for them for after, if it’s cold have a jacket and something warm to eat after.
You are asking a lot of little people who find it very hard to stand or sit still at any given time let alone not touch their hair, stand up straight, smile, walk slow, throw petals, wear painful unbroken in new shoes and stand still for photos. Not going to happen without at least one tear. But fear not, with a little fore thought you can nail it, the kids will look super cute, you will be super proud and you get some great professional pics of the kids.
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