I have an 19 month old who is just learning the art of conducting tantrums. This has been quite hard for me as he has always been no trouble, he was such an easy going kid it was often joked that he’d been drugged or he was so quiet and content that one day I’d leave him at home, or in the car, which of course wasn’t the case. Mr 1 is just such a chilled out little guy that these sudden tantrums really throw me and make me doubt myself as a parent, sh*t what have I done wrong all of a sudden, um nothing it’s all very normal. Here’s what I’ve learnt and wanted to share with Mum’s of toddlers, apparently this tantrum sh*t it a good sign, who knew?
1. It Shows Growth. Yes as strange as it sounds, tantrums are in fact a great indicator that your little person is growing up in a good way. It’s a sign that they are learning about their own needs and have grown in a way that they are now able to express what they want. It’s all very normal and even quite healthy, dam!
2. It Displays Independence. Your little individual is becoming independent and having their own thoughts and is not afraid to use them. Good on them for exerting what it is they want, no one wants their child to just obey everyone for their entire life and never make their own choices.
3. Highlights Areas He Needs Help. When he gets all mad and chucks a wobbly stop and have a look at what was happening at the time and that may be something you can work on to help him out. So if he can’t wait his turn, or wont share these are things you now need to teach him, so he can be a better kid and you don’t have to deal with his crap each time someone else’s kid comes over!!
4. Grows Emotions. I’m raising two boys and I really want them to be as much in touch with their emotions as their sister will be. When a tantrum sets in emotions are running high so I guess we just need to teach them what to do with all those big feelings.
5. A Time To Teach Boundaries. So after the tantrum is done, take that opportunity to go all Super Nanny on them and teach them the lesson. If you do a naughty spot, or time out, etc make sure you are consistent and teach them the right way to assert themselves vs the way they just did.
I am no saint and I am no hippy, I just want to reassure you all that as we all fumble our way through this thing they call parenting we are actually all going through the same thing. My once wonderful 19 month old also chucks tantrums, my once tantrum chucking 4 year old now doesn’t, so there is a light at the end of the tunnel, it’s not forever it’s just for now, as they learn and grow.
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