1. Consistency.
If you don’t want to keep starting over, stop stopping. They say you need to do something 21 times to become a habit. You need to make being active a habit in your daily grind. Make a time (not find a time) that suits your day and PEN it in to your diary as an appointment wtih yourself that you can’t miss. Mine is 9am Mon-Sat, if something comes up I don’t go but I have made it a priority, my family know not to ask for anything until after 11am.
2. Keep Track, Make a Diary.
Buy yourself a cute note book and write down your goals in the front. Record your your exercise. You can go as far as recording what you eat in a day and when you look back over it you can see what you need to change. It’s kind of like using eftpos all the time, then when you see a bank statement you might thing really, I spent that much, with this you will think really I ate that much crap, or on the flip side how great you ate.
3. Look After Your Core.
You look after you kids, hubby, pets, pot plants, cars and house but you forget to look after your core. This is a part of you that controls how you stand, how you walk how you do almost everything and it needs attention. Re-train yourself to stand up straight and hold your core on tight, it will save your back and you will be taller for it.
4. Lift Weights.
Sounds absurd right? Wrong. Weights are the secret, the key, the answer to all your problem areas. Of course I’m not talking take up body building I am talking take a Body Pump Class and with in weeks you will notice a difference that I am 100% sure of.
5. Just Get Moving.
Stop making excuses and just get moving. Do it at home, do it in a play ground, do it at a gym, do it with a friend, just get moving. Start slow so you don’t injure yourself and end up with a new excuse. You just have to make a start. Your future self will thank you for it. Log off for an hour, get changed and go for a walk, just try it you’ll understand once you get going.
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