After waiting for the perfect event for Mr 8 to enter, as he had been asking to do a Fun Run with me for awhile, we found it. Today Mr 8 and I ran in the 4km Santa Fun Run and we raised $345 for Variety the children’s charity. Thank you to all those who generously donated to the cause. Your donations are going to the Splints Program, contributing to raise money to help children gain mobility, so basically helping a child walk! Amazing to be able to help raise money for something most of us take very much for granted.
So we all got up early as we live quite far from the big smoke, made the trip in and joined the sea of red and white. I have never seen so many Santa’s it was crazy. There’s me above doing my final run prep (facebook!).
Little Miss 4 kept herself busy with the sights, “His name’s Steve” she announced, when asked how she knew that she told us “the lady said come over here Steve the little girl wants a photo with you!”.
4kms later on a hot morning we crossed the finish line. I was so proud of Mr 8 as he ran the whole way. He did great, he is now asleep on the couch but he put in a super effort. Just by running in this event and with the money we raised we have proudly helped children to walk again. Also there was the valuable lesson for the kids about fundraising for great causes, being active and that even though you are one person you can help make a difference.
Remember you are setting an example for your kids with all of your decisions. Each time you crack a beer, light a fag, go for a run or eat a carrot you are sending a message to your child that this is the right thing to do. Monkey see monkey do, so do what you want your kids to do because they are watching and learning every second of everyday.
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