That got your attention didn’t it? Easy weight loss tips, no such thing I hear you say? Well I challenge you there as I think the four I am talking about are really easy, really simple and really work! In fact they are so good they don’t cost you any more money but they will afford you better health on the inside and maybe some clean motivation to realise just how simple it can be. My four tips below can be implemented today and you could feel better as fast as tomorrow.
1. Avoid fad diets. Yep wont cost you a cent to avoid fad diets that Australians spend billions of dollars on each year. A ‘Fad Diet’ is a weigh loss diet that becomes popular via book or a celebrity. Often these diets are really just selling a product rather than a long term healthy life style, which is what you really need. Fad diets come and go, best to keep your money in your purse and eat a good old fashioned balanced diet of real food.
2. Drink lots of water. It takes some effort to get in to the habit of drinking enough water if you don’t you will often be in a state of dehydration. I don’t meant the type you get when you have been lost in a desert for 3 days I mean even just feeling thirst is your body experiencing dehydration. You will often confuse thirst for hunger and eat when had you been drinking water you wouldn’t have had to eat the last piece of mud cake. When you pee next take a look, if it’s clear to light you are properly hydrated, if it’s dark you should swap your next coffee for a bottle of water. Stay hydrated with lots of water to avoid confusing thirst for hunger.
3. Get active. Yep, my favourite, get moving, get active to get healthy. I’ve been there, I’ve sat on the couch and watched Foxtel all day and felt like crap but after I got my sh*t together and joined the gym I am more fitter now than when I was in the Army. Get active, find something you like doing and do it every other day until it becomes a habit.
4. Eat clean. To me this is so simple, but I have had my time addicted to junk food too so I get it. With my first pregnancy I ate whatever I wanted, mostly meat pies and Hungry Jacks everyday. I put on 23kgs. For 6 months after I continued to eat like I was pregnant, addicted to sugar and junk. Once I cleaned up what I put in my mouth I got my old body back. Ditch the processed foods, they are just so bad for us. Clean up your diet and allow your body to clean up it’s self. Opt for unprocessed food, don’t be lazy be healthy.
These are four simple tips you can keep in your mind each day that will help you find the happier healthier you that is still in there! Instead of just eating because you are actually thirsty, have a glass of water. Instead of eating because it tastes good eat it because its good for you. Instead of sitting around thinking about how tired you are, get up and get active to re-energise your battery. Your future self will thank you for it.
If you have just found my blog be sure to ‘Like’ my blogs Facebook page so you get all my tips on organising, DIY, parenting, meals, gardening, party planning, just anything to do with channelling your inner Supermum! Feel free to share any links with your other yummy mummy friends to help them too!

I am wondering do you count calories at all? I am trying to eat better, weight is not really an issue, but food likes raw almonds have a lot of calories! I always thought you had to eat low fat? Thanks
Julie, Nope I never got in to counting calories, nor do I weigh myself. I agree with eating low fat, but for me that just means not eating junk food all the time, it means eating clean real food most of the time. I agree that some healthy foods have lots of calories in them but the nutrients out weigh the calories. So the protein, vitamin E and fibre in a raw almond is better than a sugar free calorie free lolly. Chose nutrients over fat free or low cal. If it didn’t come from a tree, the ground or the sea it isn’t all that good for you! R
Thanks so much, I have to admit that your way of eating, makes so much more sense. And what a relief, to hear that you don’t count calories! I am going to try this, no more diets for me, woot woot!!
I once tried calorie counting. i found that my diet was not varied at all as i started eating food that i had already calculated the calories on as starting fresh with a new food was too difficult. you can count calories, only eat white bread and technically be following a diet. but it is not healthy.
It is much better to eat a wide variety of foods that are as close as possible to how they were grown and watching serving sizes.