Well it’s no secret you can tell just by looking at me, it happened today, could still be happening, can’t feel anything but it’s happening alright. Yes I turn 35 today! OMG that’s the first time I’ve written it then read it out loud, 35, 35, 35, 35, 35 yeah wow. So keeping with my random self I figured it would be fun to share 35 random things about myself with my awesome readers to celebrate my 35th birthday!!
35 Random Renee Facts
- I eat way too much chocolate.
- I am sh*t scared of the dentist.
- I actually still work part time in the Army Reserve 2 days a week but I called myself a stay at home mum so people wouldn’t judge me.
- I am sick of Delta Goodrem, I want to like her but she’s driving me nuts.
- I’ve been to Paris twice once with my husband and once with my Mum.
- I got married at 20 and have been for 14 years since.
- My last baby was a c-section 10lbs2oz giant.
- I love pedicures.
- I’m about to turn 35 and still get spots and it sh*ts me.
- I love winter PJs and slippers.
- I hate jewellery all I wear is a watch, same old pair of earrings and my wedding rings.
- My first job was working at KFC.
- I have a pic of a fitness model on the fridge to remind me what I want to look like.
- I love getting emails and comments on the blog from people thanking me for helping them.
- This is really hard to think of 35 things.
- I love Nina Proudman from Offspring’s look so much that I dress like her.
- I think I’m addicted to my daily cappuccino without it I crave it until I get it.
- I never had an engagement party.
- Tulips are my favourite flower.
- I think 35 is old and it’s a bit scary really.
- I never thought I’d have 3 kids in a million years.
- My favourite song at the moment is Ed Sheeran Give Me Love.
- I regret getting so sunburnt as a kid and young adult I hate my freckles.
- I had Poly Cystic Ovaries and had to conceive Mr 9 with fertility assistance.
- My Personal Trainer course was the best thing I’ve ever done.
- I have a tattoo on my left wrist that says Believe.
- I am a bad speller and get really upset when people point it out on the blog.
- I suck at gardening everything I plant dies.
- I love party planning and throwing awesome themed parties for the kids.
- Man flu sh*ts me!
- My favourite saying is ‘to the world you may be one person but to one person you may be the world’.
- I can’t believe you are still reading.
- I get upset when I lose a Liker on my blogs Facebook page it’s like losing a friend.
- I achieved some pretty awesome things in my 34th year, one of my best.
- I have a truck licence.
If you have just found my blog be sure to ‘Like’ my blogs Facebook page so you get all my tips on health, fitness, organising, DIY, parenting, meals, party planning, just anything to do with channelling your inner Supermum! Feel free to share any links with your other yummy mummy friends to help them too!

Happy birthday Renee – just found your blog a few days ago and its lovely, loving your health tips and quick meal ideas (I’m now having my oats every day and coconut oil – thank you). I’ve just read your list we have a few things in common (I love Offspring too, do my best to keep fit and hate man flu). Enjoy your special day, I’m turning 45 this November but stopped thinking about how old I am after the big 40 – at the end of the day its just a number 🙂
Hey Renee, thank you for letting me know this kind of feed back is what keeps my blog going! Oats are awesome! A number it is! R
Happy birthday! Hope it is awesome
Hey Juile, thank you! X R
Happy birthday Rene
May you have many many more and all your blessings increase!
We have lots in common; I will be 35 year, I love Tulips my favourite flower and right now in season. I too love pjs and hardly ever wear jewellery but somehow I buy costume jewellery Diva etc. I love love chocolate and coffee makes me happy. But enough about me today is your day. I celebrate and applaud you. You inspire me, these are not just words but actions.
I got my journal earlier this year as per previous blogs. I was 70 kgs Jan as of this morning 63kgs. For years and years I said I would attend the dawn service and this year at 3 am me and my family got on the train and attended one. Did you notice how grammatically wrong that sentence is??? Who cares the message is not lost. Thanks for bring brave in more ways then one. Have a marvellous day Happy Happy birthday xoxo
Renata, you have not only made my day you have made me get up and dance around my living room!!!! That was amazing to read and I thank you so much for sharing! I love that you have been able to make some positive changes that lead to some great results. Thank you for your comment, so much. R
Happy bday Renee
ok so you love party planning & you didn’t have an engagement party… im thinking why don’t you just have one! it’s never too late! your kids would get a kick out of it. great way to keep the love alive and any excuse for a party right? instead of a Lolly buffet have a healthy treats table, slide show of your lives together and your travels, fave songs, whatevs! just a thought. 🙂
Rosie, that is such a great idea why didn’t I think of that. We never did as when we got engaged we lived in Darwin because of being in the Army but it was too far for all of our families to travel so we just didn’t and it’s always bothered me like I missed out on something. That is such a cute idea I love it. And thanks for the birthday wish. R