As we are about to start a whole fresh new month here’s what I am challenging you to do. With tomorrow being the first day of June let’s all use June as a clean cut start date to get healthier and fitter.
Yes I live a healthy and active lifestyle but to be honest lately I’ve fallen off the wagon a bit with regards to my fitness. I have become unusually slack, haven’t been doing anywhere as much as what I would have in the past and to be honest it’s getting me down. I am noticing a few changes to my body and I am just not feeling my normal fit self. So I have cut a deal with my lazy self, if I can clean my act up and commit 100% for 30 days I will……not sure yet but I will think of a reward worth working towards.
To help me keep track and to be more accountable with my progress, for example how many day’s I am having off or what kind of training I am doing, I have made this chart. It’s just a piece of card you’d buy for a little person’s school project. I’ve added sticky notes so it can also be used for other months. The idea is at the end of the day I will log on it if I have drunk my 2Ltrs of water and give myself a score out of 10 on my healthy eating. Aiming for a 9 or 10 most days. I also will write up what workout I do each day as I do it and if I miss a day I will write LAZY because that’s what it is.
If you took the time to make and use one of these you might just surprise yourself either one of two ways. You will be super proud of yourself at the end of the month when you can see up there on the wall all your hard work you have in fact put in. Or you might even get the cold hard truth of why you aren’t seeing the results you want as you really aren’t doing anything near what you thought you were doing.
This is a great tool to keep you more accountable. I have put mine in my bedroom next to my bed. It may look childish but I guarantee you every morning it will be one of the first things I see and in the evenings it will be one of the last things I see. It will be a very effective reminder of my efforts I’ve put in or haven’t put in. Why don’t you make one and give it a shot. I’ve also included a pic of an awesome strong fitness model who’s tone I aspire to also have.
If you have just found my blog be sure to ‘Like’ my blogs Facebook page so you get all my tips on health, fitness, organising, DIY, parenting, meals, party planning, just anything to do with channelling your inner Supermum! Feel free to share any links with your other yummy mummy friends to help them too!

awesome, I’m so doing that too!
Rosie, it’s a great idea, except mine got pulled down by a 2 year old! But it’s been rebuilt and it is ready for day one tomorrow! R
I have a quick question about your blog, could you email me please? Thanks!!
Melanie : )
Melanie, absolutely. Hit the ’email me’ button on the blog and it will come right to me. R