Today I am excited to share with you all what I have been working on for a while as I wanted to get it perfect for all my Yummy Mummies out there. I am launching my first ever 14 Day Yummy Mummy Challenge with a task each day for you to have a go at. The reason behind the Yummy Mummy Challenge is it is all too easy to lose yourself, to lose who you really are once you become a Mum and find yourself putting everyone else first and yourself last. Over the next 14 days, I want you to come on a journey with me following one little step at a time to rediscover yourself and just how awesome you really are, because chances are you have lost your way and are somewhat living your life half asleep in a body you no longer recognise as a person you no longer love.
The daily challenges are designed to help you get back on track and to encourage you to spend some time, effort, money, love, kindness, and appreciation on YOU! Once we get through the 14 Day Yummy Mummy Challenge I am going to set another one with a focus on getting active and getting healthy. But before we can go there we need to reprogram your brain to understand that you are worth spending time and effort on, that you deserve this and this is a great way to motivate other Yummy Mummies in your life. Share my 14 Day Challenge with your friends, Mothers and Sisters lets all get a little love for ourselves back in our lives.
Before you became a Mum you were a different person, there would have been a time when you wouldn’t have left the house with no make up on, or you cared about what you put in your mouth. When I gave up my career to become a stay at home Mum at first it was fun to not work, great to not answer to anyone or be told what to do anymore, but the novelty soon wears off and you wake up one day and realise you are bored, isolated, alone, tired, brain dead, unhappy, unhealthy, and still in the track suit pants you wore to bed for the last two nights. It happens to all of us, don’t waste energy feeling bad, empty or unhappy just fix it!
Today is the first day of the month so what better time to start, we are all most half way through the year ask yourself are you happy with your life and where you are at? Could you do with being a little bit kinder to yourself, have you forgotten how amazing you were before you became a Mum, because you still are, you are still in there and it’s not too late to get out of the rut and make yourself happy again. Follow along for the next fortnight as we reprogram your brain back to your factory settings and get your awesome back!
If you have just found my blog be sure to ‘Like’ my blogs Facebook page so you get all my tips on organising, DIY, parenting, meals, gardening, party planning, just anything to do with channelling your inner Supermum! Feel free to share any links with your other yummy mummy friends to help them too!

Renee, this is such a great idea and comes at the perfect time for me. I have just decided to defer from Uni for 12 months to focus on my family (which includes me for a change!!) I thought I was doing just fine juggling everything that comes with being a mum of threee, wife, student etc until I realised I had forgotten to look after myself. Look forward to taking on this challenge!!!
Paula, good for you! That’s just what happens we take on the world and forget about ourselves! Not anymore though! Follow along and get your awesome back! R
This looks awesome and I am going to join in for sure. Will schedule this plan into my calendar. Some of these I have done in the past week so I will pick up on the ones I have not done. Looking forward to the next one on being more active! N x
Yeah! Great to have you on board Naomi! R