This is going to be your year and to help you with your New Year’s Resolution’s I have a plan to kick of the year to a great start
Today I am excited to share with you all what I have been working on for a while as I wanted to get it perfect for all my Yummy Mummies out there. I am launching my 13 day challenge with 13 ways to a NEW YOU for 2013. There will be motivation each day to help you stick to your New Year’s Resolutions. The reason behind the 13 day Challenge is it is all too easy to lose yourself, to lose who you really are once you become a Mum and find yourself putting everyone else first and yourself last. Over the next 13 days, I want you to come on a journey with me following one little step at a time to rediscover yourself and just how awesome you really are, because chances are you have lost your way and are somewhat living your life half asleep in a body you no longer recognise as a person you no longer love.
The daily challenges are designed to help you get back on track and to encourage you to spend some time, effort, money, love, kindness, and appreciation on YOU! Once we get through the 13 ways in 13 day’s NEW YOU Challenge I am going to set another one with a focus on getting active and getting healthy. But before we can go there we need to reprogram your brain to understand that you are worth spending time and effort on, that you deserve this and this is a great way to motivate other Yummy Mummies in your life. Share my 13 Day NEW YOU Challenge with your friend’s, Mother’s and Sister’s lets all get a little love for ourselves back in our lives.
Every morning when you wake up there will be a link posted on Facebook & Twitter for you to read while you sip your morning coffee and each day you can have a go at making a better you for 2013. This could be your year, you deserve it, so follow along and come out a NEW YOU ready to face 2013 with a whole new out look on life. Let’s make 2013 our year!
If you have just found my blog be sure to ‘Like’ my blogs Facebook page so you get all my tips on health, fitness, organising, DIY, parenting, meals, party planning, just anything to do with channelling your inner Supermum! Feel free to share any links with your other yummy mummy friends to help them too!

Thanks for everything Renee. You have inspired me over the past few months, now hopefully I will start putting all your yummy mummy strategies into place!
You are so welcome Katie!! R
I’ve been following your blog in stealth for some time now. I have recently had my first baby and just in the last month returned to the Gym. I love reading about your accomplishments, your tips and tricks (and speedy, healthy recipes).
I recently made your protein balls with my husband’s coffee mocha protein powder – talk about deelish!! He’s away on business later this month and I already chicken and corn sop on the menu as he’s not a corn eater.
I look forward to this and the following challenges! (And lots more yummy mummy secrets).
Congrats on the arrival of your little nugget! So great you are back at the gym that’s the difference between being happy or unhappy! Thanks for the great feedback! R