1. I joined the Army 16 years ago today. I was 18 just out of High School it was all I ever wanted to do, I have no regrets and have had a ball, have met awesome people along the way.
2. I am a chocoholic if I bring a block of chocolate in to the house, I will eat the entire thing that night, I just can’t stop myself.
3. When I was 15 I had my rebellious stage, sneaking in and out of my window, just like (Puberty Blues). I was a cow to my parents, no wonder they made me join the Army.
4. I’d rather be behind the camera, I love taking beautiful photos, but I absolutely hate having my photo taken.
5. My biggest fear is the dentist, in April last year I was meant to have a wisdom tooth removed, it’s still in there, I’m too scared. I had a root canal procedure done once and my jaw got stuck open, I’ve been terrified ever since.
6. I sometimes miss my old life, before I became a stay at home Mum to three kids. Life get’s hectic and I have a problem with asking for help, there is a perception I am some kind of Super Mum, it’s not true.
7. My friends and family call me Ren, nobody calls me Renee, unless I’m in trouble. When I was 18 I had personalised number plates RENS18!! Only cool for that 12 months!
8. I have a hard time saying ‘No’ to people, if someone asks me to do something even if I don’t want to I always say ‘yes’.
9. I am the eldest of four girls, I always wanted a brother. I would say my three sisters are my best friends.
10. When I was a kid I played softball, I was the catcher, the faster the pitcher the more fun it was!
Ten things you didn’t know about me!
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Well, you have half a brother… you know who I mean 😛